It is a fine thing, after the rains have stopped, to let the dog run loose in the fields, and to wander along the woods and hear the birds calling back and forth, and to find, despite the downpour, the crab apple trees still towering white with blooms, and to feel the temperate sun, veiled in a gray sky, not harshly bright, just warm.
2 thoughts on “A Spring Day”
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Dear John,
I found your picture of blooming tree through the google. I am looking for a nice place to take pictures. I am a photographer. If that tree is in Peninsula, Ca, may be you can give me any directions? Thank you in advance… and sorry for a not related question.
Hi Maria,
That particular photo was taken in southern New Hampshire sometime in the spring. Somebody must have crabapple trees in California, but I’m not sure where they would be. Sorry I can’t be of more help.
Best of luck with your photography.